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Get out of the parking lot.

Parking Lots. They come in all sizes and shapes.  You see them everywhere.  They serve the same purpose worldwide. And yet they are a source of entertainment for me. ThinkstockPhotos-519195896 Watching people find “their place” in this ecosystem is fascinating.  Some prefer the farthest spot or take up multiple spaces to prevent door dings on their vehicle.  While others circle to find the closest space even if it means waiting.  A friend of mine likes to catch those people that take the handicapped spots without the proper sticker.  He usually leaves a funny note on their window reminding them to reconsider their choice next time. My husband is a circler. Over the years, I’ve added commentary to the now infamous “parking lot tours” so no one misses the interesting “views” on the right or left.  Can you see my husband’s eye roll or hear the laughter from the back seat? It was the biggest source of entertainment during a recent trip.  We stopped at Starbucks located in a local strip mall.  Time to stretch our legs and take a break from our long road trip.  I must admit it felt good to be in the fresh air and sunshine. But finally, it was time to be on our way.  As we closed the doors, the driver asked for directions.  “Well first, you must get out of the parking lot,” replied the navigator.   It struck our funny bone and the car erupted in laughter. Yes, it was funny and still makes me smile.  But isn’t that also the advice we need in life.  Sometimes it is easy to get stuck circling around the lot.  And the first step is deciding it’s time to leave.  Take the first step and get out of the parking lot. Your adventure awaits you.  I look forward to hearing that you are on your way.

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